
Driving Away Insolence

…The child will be insolent toward the elder, and the base toward the honorable.
(Isaiah 3:5)
Isaiah seems to be giving a commentary on our time. We not only have children demonstrating insolence toward adults, we have children totally rebelling against their parents. We are no longer raising children; we are raising a generation of princes and princesses. We treat children as if they were royalty and wonder why they act like monarchs. Instead of teaching our children understanding, we attempt to understand them. How foolish! Therefore, we are rearing an insolent society. There is no honor nor respect. Childishness is the norm. It is time to quench insolence and rebellion. It is time to love our children enough to discipline them as often as needed. Instead of allowing the board of education to train your children, we need the Biblical rod of correction to train them. Children must be taught to honor their father and mother. They do not come with an automatic understanding of the commandments.